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**** Please be sure to check the product description ****
Parts control number: 000002779120600
Parts manufacturer: Denso
manufacturer genuine part number: 23220-31480
Part name: Fuel pump
parts Manufacturer part number: 77020-30500, 292100-0810
Parts classification: Recycled product
parts information: T/IN
Vehicle name: Crown
Vehicle type name: 4-door sedan
Common name Model: GRS210-AETQH
Certified model: DBA-
GRS210 Model year: February 2013
Grade: Royal Saloon
Engine specifications: DOHC D-4
Chassis number: GRS210-600****
Color: Precious Silver
Color No.: 1J6
Trim No.: FA00
Engine model: 4GR-FSE
Shift: 6FT
Displacement: 2500
Trans No.: A960E
Axle No.: A01A
Mileage: 42861
Engine No.: 0896101
Notes 1 : Denkishiki, Tankai, Gauge Tsuki, DENSO
**** Please be sure to check the product description ****
Parts control number: 000002779310800
Parts manufacturer: Koito
manufacturer genuine part number: 81110-B2500
Part name: Right headlamp ASSY
parts Manufacturer part number: 100-51944
Parts classification: Recycled product
Parts minor: ~22/10
Parts information: K/L
Vehicle name: Tanto
Vehicle type name: 5-door hatchback
Common name Model: L385S-GBVZ
Certified model: CBA-L385S Model
year: September 2009
Grade: Custom RS
Engine specifications: DOHC IC Turbo EFI
Chassis Number: L385S-003****
Color: Black Mica
Color No.: X06
Trim No.: FJ10
Engine Model: KF-DET
Shift: CVT
Displacement: 660 Mileage
: 55000
Engine No.: B030475
Scratch: Overall, Others, Sunburn (with clear baldness)]
Note 1: HID, Leveler Tsuki, Harness Tsuki, KOITO
**** Please be sure to check the product description ****
Parts control number: 000002781947140
Manufacturer's genuine part number: 4520A-52162
Part name: Steering column
parts Manufacturer part number: Main body, JTEKT, 45250-52584, CP, 89650-13040
parts Classification: Recycled product
Vehicle name: Corolla Axio
Vehicle type name: 4-door sedan
Common name Model: NZE161-AEXEK
Certified model: DBA-
NZE161 : February 2015
Grade: 1.5G
Engine specifications: DOHC EFI
Chassis number: NZE161-711* ***
Color: Dark Blue Mica
Color No.: 8S6
Trim No.: FB21
Engine Model: 1NZ-FE
Shift: CVT
Displacement: 1500
Trans No.: K312
Axle No.: -03A
Mileage: 34815
Engine No.: E845278
Notes 1: 2WD , tilt, P/S luck, computer luck, motor luck
**** Please be sure to check the product description ****
Parts management number: 000002782017280
Parts manufacturer: Asahi
manufacturer genuine part number: 73511-TTA-003
Part name: Right quarter glass
parts Manufacturer part number: M2PT
Parts classification: Recycled
car Name: N-BOX
Vehicle type name: 5-door hatchback
Common name Model: JF3-119
Certified model: DBA-
JF3 : January 2018
Grade: Custom GL Honda Sensing
Engine specifications: DOHC PFI
Chassis number: JF3-119** **
Color: Platinum White (P)
Color No.: NH883PA
Trim No.: Z
Engine model: S07B
Shift: CVT
Displacement: 660 Mileage
: 14685
Engine No.: 1328857
Note 1: UVS, power slide, sticker included
**** Please be sure to check the product description ****
Parts management number: 000002782017290
Parts manufacturer: Asahi
manufacturer genuine part number: 73561-TTA-003
Part name: Left quarter glass
parts Manufacturer part number: M2PT
Parts classification: Recycled
car Name: N-BOX
Vehicle type name: 5-door hatchback
Common name Model: JF3-119
Certified model: DBA-
JF3 : January 2018
Grade: Custom GL Honda Sensing
Engine specifications: DOHC PFI
Chassis number: JF3-119** **
Color: Platinum White (P)
Color No.: NH883PA
Trim No.: Z
Engine model: S07B
Shift: CVT
Displacement: 660 Mileage
: 14685
Engine No.: 1328857
Note 1: UVS, power slide, sticker included
**** Please be sure to check the product description ****
Parts control number: 000002782042500
Parts manufacturer: BOSH
Manufacturer genuine part number: 57100-TTA-J92
Part name: ABS actuator
parts Manufacturer part number: 970037,181006/3/3282, 0213453
Part classification: Recycled product
Vehicle name: N-BOX
Vehicle type name: 5-door hatchback
Common name Model: JF3-119
Certified model: DBA-
JF3 Year: January 2018
Grade: Custom GL Honda Sensing
Engine specifications: DOHC PFI
chassis Number: JF3-119****
Color: Platinum White (P)
Color No.: NH883PA
Trim No.: Z
Engine model: S07B
Shift: CVT
Displacement: 660 Mileage
: 14685
Engine No.: 1328857
Note 1: 2265106455,0601185, 0265956618
**** Please be sure to check the product description ****
Parts control number: 000002782422300
Manufacturer's genuine part number: MQ510190
Part name: Exhaust center muffler
Part classification: Recycled product
Vehicle name: Delica D2
Vehicle type name: 5 door hatchback
Common name model: MB36S-MBZPN
Certified model: DAA-MB36S
Year: August 2016
Grade: Hybrid MZ Navi package
Engine specifications: DOHC WA05A
Chassis number: MB36S-10****
Color: Star Silver (M)
Color No.: ZMU
Trim No. :C03
Engine model: K12C
Shift: CVT
Displacement: 1200
Mileage: 76929
Engine No.: 5062726
Note 1: 4WD, rust and scratches
**** Please be sure to check the product description ****
Parts control number: 000002782422500
Manufacturer's genuine part number: MQ510196
Part name: R muffler
Part classification: Recycled product
Vehicle name: Delica D2
Vehicle type name: 5 door hatchback
Common name Model: MB36S-MBZPN
Certified model: DAA-MB36S
Year: August 2016
Grade: Hybrid MZ Navi package
Engine specifications: DOHC WA05A
Chassis number: MB36S-10****
Color: Star Silver (M)
Color No.: ZMU
Trim No. :C03
Engine model: K12C
Shift: CVT
Displacement: 1200
Mileage: 76929
Engine No.: 5062726
Note 1: 4WD, Junsei, water, rust, scratches
**** Please be sure to check the product description ****
Parts control number: 000002790050300
Manufacturer genuine part number: 20365FG520
Part name: Right R strut ASSY
parts Manufacturer part number: FL47
Part classification: Recycled product
Part information: ABS
Car name: Impreza
Vehicle type name: 4-door sedan
Common name Model: GV-FD4MV
Certified model: CBA-GVF
Year: July 2012
Grade: WRX STI A-line
Engine specifications: DOHC Turbo EGI
Chassis number: GVF-00****
Color: Satin White Pearl
Color No: 37J
Trim No: G50
Engine model: EJ257
Shift: 5FT
Displacement: 2500 Mileage
: 89110
Engine No: E554555
Note 1: ABS, 4WD, strut only, bushing deteriorated
**** Please be sure to check the product description ****
Parts control number: 000002790050400
Manufacturer's genuine part number: 20365FG520
Part name: Left R strut ASSY
Part classification: Recycled product
Part information: ABS
Car name: Impreza
Vehicle type name: 4 Door Sedan
Common name Model: GV-FD4MV
Certified Model: CBA-GVF
Year: July 2012
Grade: WRX STI A-Line
Engine Specifications: DOHC Turbo EGI
Chassis Number: GVF-00****
Color: Satin White Pearl
Color No.: 37J
Trim No: G50
Engine model: EJ257
Shift: 5FT
Displacement: 2500
Mileage: 89110
Engine No: E554555
Note 1: ABS, 4WD, strut only, bushing deteriorated
**** Please be sure to check the product description ****
Parts control number: 000002790722500
Manufacturer's genuine part number: 17430-21A00
Part name: R muffler
Part classification: Recycled product
Vehicle name: Corolla Fielder
Vehicle type name: Station wagon
commonly known model :NRE161G-AWXNB
Certified model: DBA-NRE161G
Year: June 2015
Grade: 1.5X
Engine specifications: DOHC EFI
Chassis number: NRE161-000****
Color: Silver (M)
Color No.: 1F7
Trim No.: FE22
Engine model: 2NR-FKE
Shift: CVT
Displacement: 1500
Mileage: 92471
Engine No.: 8475209
Notes 1: 2WD, Junsai, rust and scratches
**** Please be sure to check the product description ****
Parts control number: 000002795520400
Parts manufacturer: Denso
manufacturer genuine part number: 16400-28680
Part name: Radiator
parts Manufacturer part number: 2868,422134-2690
Parts classification: Recycled
car Name: SAI
Vehicle type name: 4-door sedan
Common name Model: AZK10-BEXQB
Certified model: DAA-
AZK10 Year: May 2010
Grade: S
Engine specifications: DOHC 2JM EFI
Chassis number: AZK10-202****
Color: Dark Blue Mica
Color No: 8S6
Trim No: FA10
Engine model: 2AZ-FXE
Shift: CVT
Displacement: 2400
Trans No: P311
Axle No: -01A
Mileage: 56564
Engine No: H522361
Notes 1: CVT, DENSO, 4 dents 20X20cm ,9 bent 15X2cm edges
**** Please be sure to check the product description ****
Parts control number: 000002795530200
Manufacturer's genuine part number: 30900-75030
Part name: Automatic transmission ASSY
Part classification: Recycled product
Vehicle name: SAI
Vehicle type name: 4-door sedan
Common name model :AZK10-BEXQB
Certified Model: DAA-
AZK10 : May 2010
Grade: S
Engine Specifications: DOHC 2JM EFI
Chassis Number: AZK10-202****
Color: Dark Blue Mica
Color No.: 8S6
Trim No.: FA10
Engine Model: 2AZ-FXE
Shift: CVT
Displacement: 2400
Trans No.: P311
Axle No.: -01A
Mileage: 56564
Engine No.: H522361
Notes 1: Floor, CVT, 2F, 2WD
**** Please be sure to check the product description ****
Parts control number: 000002796122500
Manufacturer's genuine part number: 14300-74P00
Part name: R muffler
Part classification: Recycled product
Vehicle name: Wagon R
Vehicle type name: 5 door hatchback
Common name Model: MH55S-WFXB-A
Certified Model: DAA-MH55S
Year: July 2018
Grade: Hybrid FX
Engine Specifications: DOHC WA05A EPI
Chassis Number: MH55S-21****
Color: Bliss Blue (M)
Color No.: ZWY
Trim No.: C32
Engine model: R06A
Shift: CVT
Displacement: 660
Mileage: 12651
Engine No.: K773588
Notes 1: 2WD, Junsei, rust and scratches
**** Please be sure to check the product description ****
Parts management number: 000002796160200
Parts manufacturer: Mitsubishi
Manufacturer genuine part number: 96100-63R01
Part name: Alternator
parts Manufacturer part number: C3TA0491A
Parts classification: Recycled product
Vehicle name: Wagon R
Vehicle type name: 5-door hatchback
Common name Model: MH55S-WFXB-A
Certified model: DAA-MH55S
Year: July 2018
Grade: Hybrid FX
Engine specifications: DOHC WA05A EPI
chassis number: MH55S-21****
Color: Bliss blue (M)
Color No: ZWY
Trim No: C32
Engine model: R06A
Shift: CVT
Displacement: 660
Mileage: 12651
Engine No: K773588
Note 1: CVT, rib belt, IC, 12V, Mitsubishi
**** Please be sure to check the product description ****
Parts control number: 000002796167900
Parts manufacturer: Denso
manufacturer Genuine part number: 74150-62RA1
Part name: Heater blower motor
Part classification: Recycled product
Vehicle name: Wagon R
vehicle type name : 5-door hatchback
Common name Model: MH55S-WFXB-A
Certified model: DAA-MH55S
Year: July 2018
Grade: Hybrid FX
Engine specifications: DOHC WA05A EPI
chassis number: MH55S-21****
Color: Bliss blue ( M)
Color No: ZWY
Trim No: C32
Engine model: R06A
Shift: CVT
Displacement: 660
Mileage: 12651
Engine No: K773588
Note 1: DENSO,12V,6.B6,1740